
Large Scale MPCVD Diamond

System Design Service

System Design Service

Our team has over 20 years of scientific device and system design and building experience.

Feel free to contact us if you have any needs for customized system design service or consulting.

We have designed and built the followings:

  1. CVD system for growing carbon nanotubes
  2. Carbon nanotube based glucose level sensor for human body
  3. Single atom ionization device
  4. Diamond NV based high resolution high sentivitive magnetic field imager
  5. Diamond NV quantum manipulation module
  6. MPCVD system for growing diamond
  7. Low Temperature High Temperature Annealing System for diamond.
  8. >7N High purity hydrogen generator
  9. PL spectrometer for diamond impurity analysis
  10. RGA system for online MPCVD growth process monitoring
  11. OES spectroscopy for MPCVD growth process monitoring
  12. Etc